How Can Social Media Marketing Help Sell Your House?

How Can Social Media Marketing Help Sell Your House?

Australians have a strong appetite for online activity, with more than three quarters of the population now using social media according to the 2016 Sensis Social Media Report. Consumers spend over 12 hours a week on Facebook alone, with 26 per cent accessing social media more than five times a day. As a result, the way real estate agents engage with prospects has dramatically changed.

Social media platforms are now an essential tool for agents to promote property listings based on a targeted strategy. With the ability to create visually stimulating content and targeting specific demographics with listings that appeal to them, agents can find the right buyers sooner.

social media

Social media platforms are now an essential tool for agents to promote property listing.

How Targeted Advertising Works on Social Media

Social media platforms offer a variety of paid advertising options, including traditional banner style advertising and sponsored posts. Both these options offer tools allowing your property to be targeted to specific people based on their:

  • location
  • income
  • age
  • homeownership status
  • online behaviour

This means no money, time or effort is spent promoting to people who aren’t interested. Consumers can be overwhelmed by the amount of content appearing in their social media feeds, which means a thoroughly researched targeting strategy is essential. Agents with a strong focus on targeted social media advertising achieve strong results as they accumulate valuable demographical data over each targeted campaign.

Visual Elements Enhance Each Listing

With no limit on photos, slideshow and videos, social media channels allows you to be more visual. This works well to generate interest as it’s an easy, digestible format of information. It also allows potential buyers to get a better idea of your property without visiting it.

Visual elements can also form part of your targeting strategy. For example, younger people aged between 18 and 29 still use social media differently to older generations, with a definite skew towards more visual platforms like Instagram and Snapchat. In fact, Instagram is on a significant growth trend, doubling its reach every year since 2013. For homeowners targeting young couples and families, the platform represents an ideal promotional tool.


The visual options on social media allow potential buyers to get a better idea of your property without visiting it

Our Approach to Digital Marketing

At Barnett Real Estate, we see a lot of value in digital marketing and run targeted digital campaigns for our clients, generating extra interest and reaching potential buyers for their property.

If you’re interested in selling a property in the Geelong region, call us today on 03 5222 1488 or contact us online.

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